How To

How to change administrator account in windows 10

In Windows 10, the administrator account has important control over system settings. Sometimes, you may need to change administrator account for security or organizational reasons. This article provides simple steps to help you change administrator account in Windows 10, ensuring smooth transitions and proper user privilege management.

Changing the Administrator Account in Windows 10

Step 1: Accessing User Accounts:

  1. Press the Windows key or click the “Start” button at the bottom left.
  2. Select the gear-shaped “Settings” icon from the menu.
  3. Choose the “Accounts” option in the Settings window.

Step 2: Managing User Accounts:

  1. In the Accounts settings, go to the “Family & other users” tab.
  2. Find the list of user accounts under “Other users.”
  3. Click on the administrator account you want to change.

Step 3: Modifying the Administrator Account:

  1. Click on the “Change account type” button.
  2. In the new window, choose “Administrator” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Save the changes by clicking “OK” or “Apply.”
  4. If asked, enter the administrator password or provide confirmation.

Step 4: Adding a New Administrator Account (Optional):

  1. To add a new administrator account, go back to the “Other users” section.
  2. Click “Add someone else to this PC.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new user account.
  4. Select “Administrator” when asked for the account type.

Step 5: Removing the Previous Administrator Account (Optional):

  1. If desired, you can remove the previous administrator account.
  2. Go to the “Other users” section.
  3. Select the account you want to remove and click “Remove.”
  4. Confirm your decision when prompted.

FAQs – Changing the Administrator Account in Windows 10

Q1: Why would I need to change administrator account in Windows 10?

A: There are various reasons for changing the administrator account, such as security concerns, organizational requirements, or transferring administrative responsibilities.

Q2: Can I change the administrator account without having another account with administrator privileges?

A: No, you need at least one active administrator account to change the administrator account in Windows 10.

Q3: How can I check if an account has administrator privileges?

A: In the “Other users” section of the Accounts settings, administrator accounts will be labeled as “Administrator” under the account type.

Q4: What happens if I change the administrator account type to a standard user account?

A: By changing the administrator account type to a standard user account, you remove administrative privileges from that account, limiting its control over system settings and configurations.

Q5: Can I have multiple administrator accounts in Windows 10?

A: Yes, you can have multiple administrator accounts in Windows 10. This allows different individuals to have administrative access to the system.

Q6: Is it necessary to create a new administrator account when changing the existing one?

A: Creating a new administrator account is optional. You can change the existing administrator account or add a new one based on your requirements.

Q7: Can I change the administrator account name along with the account type?

A: No, changing the administrator account type only modifies the privileges associated with the account. To change the account name, you would need to edit the user account settings separately.

Q8: What should I do if I forget the password for the administrator account?

A: If you forget the password for the administrator account, you may need to use password recovery options or seek assistance from your system administrator.

Q9: Can I revert the changes and restore the previous administrator account?

A: Yes, if you have not removed the previous administrator account, you can revert the changes by changing the account type back to “Administrator.”

Q10: Are there any risks involved in changing the administrator account?

A: Changing the administrator account itself does not pose any risks. Note: Exercise caution when making such changes and ensure you have the necessary credentials and access to prevent unintended consequences.


Changing the administrator account in Windows 10 is a simple process that helps you manage user privileges effectively. Follow steps to modify existing administrator accounts, add new ones, or remove unnecessary accounts. Check right people have the appropriate administrative access for system security and efficiency. Remember to be careful when making changes and keep track of passwords or credentials as needed.

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