How To

How to Use IOS Shortcuts?

iOS Shortcuts is a powerful tool that allows users to automate repetitive tasks on their iPhones and iPads. With the Shortcuts app, you can create custom workflows that can perform a variety of actions with just a tap or a Siri voice command. This article will guide you through the basics of using iOS Shortcuts and provide some helpful tips and FAQs to help you get started.

Getting Started with iOS Shortcuts:

The first step in using iOS Shortcuts is to download the Shortcuts app from the App Store. Once installed, you can begin creating your own shortcuts or downloading pre-made shortcuts from the Shortcuts Gallery.

To create a new shortcut, tap the plus icon in the upper-right corner of the app. You can then choose from a list of actions to include in your shortcut, such as sending a text message or playing a song. You can also add multiple actions to your shortcut to create a more complex workflow.

Once you’ve created your shortcut, you can give it a custom name and icon. You can also add it to your home screen or share it with others.

Using iOS Shortcuts with Siri:

One of the most powerful features of iOS Shortcuts is its integration with Siri. With Siri, you can activate your shortcuts using just your voice, making it even easier to automate tasks on your iPhone or iPad.

To use a shortcut with Siri, you first need to enable the “Hey Siri” feature on your device. You can do this by going to Settings > Siri & Search and toggling on the “Listen for ‘Hey Siri'” option.

Once “Hey Siri” is enabled, you can activate your shortcuts by saying “Hey Siri, [shortcut name].” Siri will then execute the actions in your shortcut, allowing you to perform complex tasks with just a few words.

Tips for Using iOS Shortcuts:

  1. Use pre-made shortcuts: If you’re new to iOS Shortcuts, it can be helpful to start with pre-made shortcuts from the Shortcuts Gallery. These shortcuts can help you get a sense of what’s possible with the app and can serve as a starting point for creating your own custom workflows.
  2. Add shortcuts to your home screen: If you use a particular shortcut frequently, consider adding it to your home screen for easy access. To do this, tap the share icon in the upper-right corner of the shortcut and choose “Add to Home Screen.”
  3. Use variables: Variables are a powerful feature in iOS Shortcuts that allow you to store and retrieve data between actions. For example, you could create a variable to store a specific date and then use that variable in multiple actions throughout your workflow.
  4. Combine shortcuts with other apps: iOS Shortcuts can be integrated with other apps on your device, such as Calendar or Maps. This allows you to create even more powerful workflows that can interact with data from other apps.
  5. Share your shortcuts: If you create a shortcut that you find particularly useful, consider sharing it with others in the Shortcuts Gallery. This can help other users discover new ways to automate tasks on their devices.


Can I use iOS Shortcuts on an iPad?

Yes, iOS Shortcuts can be used on both iPhones and iPads.

Are there any limitations to what iOS Shortcuts can do?

While iOS Shortcuts is a powerful tool, there are some limitations to what it can do. For example, it cannot access data from apps that do not have an API, and it cannot perform actions that require administrator privileges.

Can I create custom icons for my shortcuts?

Yes, you can create custom icons for your shortcuts by tapping the “…” button in the upper-right corner of the shortcut and choosing “Add to Home Screen.” From there, you can choose an image to use as the icon.

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