
5 best ADCs to pair with Milio in League of Legends season 13

Top 5 ADC Champions to Dominate the Bot Lane with Milio in League of Legends Season 13

League of Legends is a team-based multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that requires strategic thinking and quick reflexes to succeed. One of the most important roles in the game is the Attack Damage Carry (ADC), which is responsible for dealing physical damage and taking down enemy structures. In this article, we will be discussing the top 5 ADCs to pair with Milio in League of Legends season 13.

5 best ADCs to pair with Milio in League of Legends season 13


Jhin is a deadly marksman who excels in taking down enemies from a distance. His passive ability, Whisper, allows him to deal bonus damage based on his attack damage and the enemy’s missing health. Jhin’s ultimate ability, Curtain Call, allows him to fire four long-range shots that deal massive damage to the first enemy they hit. He can also root enemies with his W ability, Deadly Flourish, and slow them with his E ability, Captive Audience.


Vayne is a mobile ADC who can quickly dart around the battlefield and take down enemies with her crossbow. Her passive ability, Night Hunter, grants her bonus movement speed when she is moving towards an enemy champion. Vayne’s ultimate ability, Final Hour, grants her bonus attack damage and stealth for a short period of time. She can also stun enemies with her Condemn ability and tumble away from danger with her Tumble ability.


Kai’Sa is a hybrid ADC who can deal both physical and magic damage. Her passive ability, Second Skin, grants her bonus attack speed and evolves her abilities based on the types of items she builds. Kai’Sa’s ultimate ability, Killer Instinct, allows her to dash towards an enemy champion and become briefly invulnerable. She can also shoot out missiles with her Void Seeker ability and create a shield with her Supercharge ability.


Tristana is a hypercarry ADC who can deal massive amounts of damage in the late game. Her passive ability, Draw a Bead, grants her bonus range as she levels up. Tristana’s ultimate ability, Buster Shot, allows her to knock back enemies and deal damage based on their maximum health. She can also jump to safety with her Rocket Jump ability and use her Explosive Charge ability to deal bonus damage to enemy structures.


Ezreal is a long-range ADC who can poke enemies down from a distance. His passive ability, Rising Spell Force, grants him bonus attack speed when he lands his abilities. Ezreal’s ultimate ability, Trueshot Barrage, allows him to fire a powerful beam that deals damage to all enemies in its path. He can also fire off homing missiles with his Mystic Shot ability and teleport short distances with his Arcane Shift ability.

Here is a specification table for the 5 best ADCs to pair with Milio in League of Legends season 13:

ChampionAttack Damage (AD)Attack SpeedAbility Power (AP)MobilityCrowd Control
JhinVery HighLowLowLowVery High

Pros and Cons Table for “5 Best ADCs to Pair with Milio in League of Legends Season 13”:

JhinVery high attack damage and crowd control potentialLow mobility and ability power
VayneHigh mobility and crowd control potentialLow ability power and range
Kai’SaHigh damage potential and versatilityLow crowd control and reliance on item builds
TristanaHigh attack damage and range, good mobilityLow ability power and moderate crowd control
EzrealHigh range and poke potential, good mobilityLow crowd control and reliance on skillshots


Q: What is an ADC in League of Legends?

A: An ADC is a role in League of Legends that is responsible for dealing physical damage and taking down enemy structures.

Q: What are some good ADCs to pair with Milio in season 13?

A: Jhin, Vayne, Kai’Sa, Tristana, and Ezreal are all strong ADCs that can work well with Milio in season 13.

Q: What makes Jhin a good ADC to pair with Milio?

A: Jhin’s long-range abilities and ability to root and slow enemies make him a strong pick to pair with Milio, who can set up kills with his crowd control abilities.

Q: What makes Vayne a good ADC to pair with Milio?

A: Vayne’s mobility and ability to stun enemies make her a strong pick to pair with Milio, who can follow up on her crowd control with his own abilities.

Q: What is an ADC in League of Legends?

ADC stands for “attack damage carry” and refers to champions that deal physical damage primarily through auto-attacks. They are typically ranged champions who are responsible for dealing consistent damage to enemy champions and objectives.

Q: What are the main attributes of a good ADC in League of Legends?

A good ADC should have high damage output, mobility, and survivability. They should also be able to farm well and have good positioning in team fights.

Q: What are some common mistakes that new players make when playing ADC in League of Legends?

Some common mistakes include overextending, poor positioning, not farming enough, and not taking advantage of power spikes.

Q: What are some tips for improving as an ADC in League of Legends?

Some tips include practicing last-hitting, learning how to position in team fights, understanding power spikes, and playing a variety of champions to learn their strengths and weaknesses.

Q: What are some good ADC champions to learn in League of Legends?

Some good ADC champions to learn include Ashe, Caitlyn, Jinx, Tristana, and Vayne. These champions offer a good balance of damage, mobility, and utility.

Q: How do I counter ADCs in League of Legends?

Some ways to counter ADCs include building armor and health, focusing them in team fights, and using crowd control to disrupt their positioning and mobility.

Q: What is kiting in League of Legends and how is it used by ADCs?

Kiting refers to the technique of attacking and moving away from an enemy champion at the same time to maintain a safe distance while dealing damage. ADCs often use kiting to stay alive in team fights and avoid being focused by enemy champions.

Q: How important is teamwork for ADCs in League of Legends?

Teamwork is crucial for ADCs in League of Legends as they rely heavily on their teammates for protection and support. Good communication and coordination with the rest of the team can help an ADC perform at their best.

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