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Fixes for Sound Not Working on Twitter for Android or iPhone

Sound not working on Twitter can be a frustrating issue, especially when you’re eager to catch up on the latest trends, news, or simply enjoy a video shared by a friend. Twitter, being a platform that thrives on real-time information exchange, heavily relies on multimedia content, including audio and video. Therefore, encountering sound issues can significantly hamper the user experience.

This article aims to provide simple and effective solutions to resolve sound issues on Twitter, specifically for Android and iPhone users. Whether you’re scrolling through your feed during a commute or unwinding at home, Twitter should be a source of entertainment and information, not frustration. Hence, addressing the issue of sound not working is crucial.

We’ll explore common reasons for these sound issues and provide step-by-step guides to troubleshoot and resolve them. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to ensure a seamless Twitter experience, free from sound troubles.

Remember, technology is meant to work for us, not against us. So, let’s dive in and tackle the issue of sound not working on Twitter head-on.

Understanding Sound Not Working on Twitter Issue

When it comes to sound not working on Twitter, there are several potential causes that can disrupt your social media experience. These issues can range from simple device settings to more complex app-related problems.

One of the most common reasons for sound issues on Twitter is related to network connectivity. A weak network strength or faulty connection can prevent Twitter’s multimedia content from loading properly, leading to sound issues. This is especially true when trying to play videos or participate in Twitter Spaces.

Another common issue is related to the format of the video. If you’re trying to upload a video to Twitter and it’s not in a compatible format, you may experience errors, including the video not playing at all or the video not having sound. Twitter supports specific video formats, and using a non-compatible format can lead to sound issues.

Using an outdated version of the Twitter app can also cause sound problems. App developers regularly update their apps to fix bugs and improve functionality. If you’re using an outdated version of the app, you might run into issues, including sound problems.

Lastly, settings within the Twitter app itself can affect the sound. For instance, if you have disabled sound effects in the Twitter app, you might not hear any sound when refreshing the feed or receiving notifications. Similarly, enabling the data saver mode in the Twitter app can cause the sound to cut off, especially while playing videos.

Understanding these common issues is the first step towards troubleshooting and resolving sound problems on Twitter. In the following sections, we will delve into general troubleshooting steps as well as specific fixes for Android and iPhone users. By the end of this guide, you should be able to navigate and resolve any sound issues you encounter on Twitter, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable Twitter experience.

General Troubleshooting Steps for Sound Not Working on Twitter

When you encounter the issue of sound not working on Twitter, there are several general troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve it.

1. Check the Volume Level and Unmute the Video: The first thing you need to do is check the volume level on your device. If the volume is too low, it may appear that the sound is not working in the Twitter app. Press the Volume Up button on the side of your phone to increase the volume level. While videos on Twitter play automatically in your feed, they are muted by default. Look for the speaker icon in the bottom right corner of the video. If you see a speaker icon with a cross sign next to it, tap it to unmute the video.

2. Turn Off Bluetooth: If your device is connected to a Bluetooth device, the audio may be playing through that device instead of your phone. To prevent any unwanted Bluetooth connections, temporarily turn off Bluetooth on your device.

3. Force Close and Reopen the App: Closing and reopening the Twitter app will allow your phone to end all of its processes and give it a fresh start. This should resolve any minor glitches that may have caused sound issues while playing videos or listening to Twitter Spaces.

4. Enable Sound Effects on Twitter: If the Twitter app is failing to make any sound when you perform certain tasks, such as refreshing the feed, that could happen if you have previously disabled sound effects in the Twitter app. Here’s how to re-enable them: Open the Twitter app and tap on your profile picture in the top-left corner. Tap on Settings & Support and select Settings and privacy. Tap on ‘Accessibility, display, and languages.’ Tap on Display and enable the toggle next to Sound effects in the following menu.

5. Turn Off Data Saver Mode in the Twitter App: Enabling the data saver mode in the Twitter app can also cause the sound to cut off, especially while playing videos. To disable it, go to the Twitter app settings and turn off the data saver mode.

These general troubleshooting steps should help resolve most sound issues on Twitter. However, if you’re still experiencing problems, there might be specific issues related to your Android or iPhone device. In the following sections, we will delve into specific fixes for Android and iPhone users.

Specific Fixes for Sound Not Working on Twitter on Android

If you’re an Android user and you’re still experiencing sound issues on Twitter after trying the general troubleshooting steps, here are some specific fixes you can try:

1. Clear the App Cache: Over time, the Twitter app accumulates data in its cache to speed up performance. However, this cache can sometimes cause issues, including sound problems. To clear the cache, go to your device’s settings, find the Twitter app under ‘Apps’, and tap on ‘Storage’. Then, tap on ‘Clear Cache’.

2. Check for Android System Updates: Sometimes, sound issues can be caused by running an outdated version of Android. To check for system updates, go to your device’s settings, scroll down and tap on ‘System’, then tap on ‘Advanced’, and finally tap on ‘System Update’. If an update is available, follow the prompts to install it.

3. Change DNS Servers: Poor connection in Twitter Spaces can cause audio issues. Changing DNS servers to trusted providers like Google or Cloudflare can help. Open Settings on your Android phone, go to Network and Internet settings, click on Private DNS, and change it from Automatic to Private.

Remember, if none of these solutions work, it might be a good idea to reach out to Twitter support for further assistance.

Specific Fixes for Sound Not Working on Twitter on iPhone

If you’re an iPhone user and the sound is still not working on Twitter, here are some specific solutions you can try:

1. Clean Your Speaker and Headphone Jack: Dust and debris can accumulate over time in your iPhone’s speaker grill and headphone jack, causing sound issues. Try cleaning both components using a toothbrush, cotton bud, or soft brush.

2. Check Your Sound Profile: If media or game sound works fine, but there is no sound during incoming calls or app notifications, check your sound profile. Make sure your iPhone is not in silent or Do Not Disturb (DND) mode. Adjust the Alert Slider and volume settings accordingly.

3. Check In-App Sound Settings: Some apps and games have independent volume settings within the application. Make sure you haven’t accidentally set the in-app sound to low or zero while using videos, music, or games on your iPhone.

4. Reinstall the App: If the sound is not working in a specific app, there may be an issue with the app itself. Try updating or reinstalling the app from the App Store to fix any bugs.

5. Update Your iPhone: Check for software updates for your iPhone. Apple often releases updates to address bugs and improve device performance. Go to Settings > General > Software Update to install the latest updates.

If these solutions don’t work, it might be a good idea to reach out to Apple support or visit an Apple-authorized service center for further assistance.

When to Contact Support

Despite our best efforts, there may be times when the sound issue on Twitter persists. In such cases, it’s advisable to contact Twitter support for further assistance.

Twitter has a dedicated support system to help users with various issues, including sound problems. You can reach out to them by filling out a form on their [Help Center]. The form allows you to describe your issue in detail and provide your email address for the support team to respond.

When filling out the form, select the topic that best describes your issue. Whether your account was suspended, you have a security concern, or you’re having trouble with sound on Twitter, you can open a support ticket.

Once you’ve submitted the form, a Twitter support agent will contact you back via email. This process ensures that your issue is addressed by a professional who can provide a more specific solution.

Remember, reaching out to Twitter support is a valid step when troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue. They’re there to ensure your Twitter experience is as smooth as possible…

Prevention Tips

To prevent the issue of sound not working on Twitter, here are some tips you can follow:

1. Regular App Updates: Always keep your Twitter app updated. App developers regularly release updates to fix bugs and improve functionality. An outdated app can lead to various issues, including sound problems.

2. Regular System Updates: Similarly, keep your device’s operating system updated. Whether you’re using Android or iOS, regular system updates can resolve many issues and improve overall performance.

3. Clear Cache Regularly: Over time, the Twitter app accumulates data in its cache. This cache can sometimes cause issues. Regularly clearing the app cache can prevent such problems.

4. Check Network Connectivity: A weak network or faulty connection can cause issues with Twitter’s multimedia content. Always ensure you have a strong and stable internet connection.

5. Check Video Formats: Twitter supports specific video formats. If you’re uploading a video, make sure it’s in a compatible format to prevent any sound issues.

By following these prevention tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable Twitter experience, free from sound troubles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Twitter not playing sound? 

There could be several reasons why Twitter is not playing sound. It could be due to issues with your device’s volume settings, network connectivity, an outdated version of the Twitter app, or settings within the Twitter app itself. Always ensure your device’s volume is turned up, you have a stable internet connection, your app is updated, and the video on Twitter is not muted.

Why are my Twitter notifications not making sound? 

If your Twitter notifications are not making sound, it could be because the sound effects in the Twitter app are disabled or your device is in silent or Do Not Disturb mode. Check the sound settings in both your device and the Twitter app to ensure they are set correctly.

Why will sound not play on my iPhone? 

Sound issues on your iPhone could be due to various factors such as low volume, Bluetooth being turned on, or an issue with the specific app. Always check your iPhone’s volume, turn off Bluetooth if not in use, and try force closing and reopening the app.

Why is my sound not working on my Android phone? 

Sound issues on your Android phone could be due to reasons like low volume, a problem with the specific app, or an outdated Android system. Always ensure your volume is turned up, clear the app cache, and check for Android system updates.

How do you get audio from Twitter? 

To get audio from Twitter, ensure your device’s volume is turned up and the video or Twitter Space you are trying to listen to is not muted. If you’re still having issues, try the troubleshooting steps mentioned above.

How do I unmute my Twitter? 

To unmute Twitter, tap on the speaker icon in the bottom right corner of the video. If you see a speaker icon with a cross sign next to it, that means the video is muted. Tapping on it will unmute the video.

How do I turn on sound notifications for Twitter? 

To turn on sound notifications for Twitter, go to the Twitter app settings and enable the toggle next to Sound effects. This will enable sound for certain tasks such as refreshing the feed and receiving notifications.

How do I fix no notification sounds? 

If you’re not hearing any notification sounds, check your device’s sound settings and ensure it’s not in silent or Do Not Disturb mode. Also, check the app’s settings to ensure sound effects are enabled.

How do I fix Twitter notifications on my iPhone? 

If you’re not receiving Twitter notifications on your iPhone, ensure your iPhone is not in Do Not Disturb mode, check the Twitter app’s notification settings, and ensure Twitter notifications are enabled in your iPhone’s settings. If you’re still having issues, try reinstalling the Twitter app.


Experiencing sound not working on Twitter can be frustrating, but it’s usually a problem that can be resolved with a few simple steps. Whether you’re using an Android or iPhone, this guide has provided you with a comprehensive set of solutions to tackle this issue. Remember, regular updates and good practices can prevent such problems from occurring in the first place. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to Twitter support for further assistance. Here’s to a seamless and enjoyable Twitter experience, free from sound troubles.

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