Twitter Caption Turn off/on Issue has been Resolved. Twitter is a great social media tool that provides you a platform to share your ideas and opinions.
Twitter’s method of distributing the most recent news differs from that of many other social media networks.
So now twitter resolved the issue of Twitter caption. CC tab is in trial phase. This Feature having in some users phones.
According to a tweet from Twitter, everyone using iOS and Android now has access to a button that toggles the video player’s subtitles.
The Twitter closed caption “CC” toggle can now be used by iOS and Android users to view written descriptions of videos while they are playing within the app.
Therefore, we will describe how to enable/disable captions or subtitle for Twitter videos in this article.
What is Caption on Twitter Videos?
The caption for a video that you are playing on Twitter is a written explanation of the video.
The subtitles on videos are also known as captions.
By selecting the “CC” button in the top right corner, you may quickly turn captions ON or OFF.
Steps To Turn ON or Enabled in Twitter Captions On Videos:
Step 1: Start Twitter app on Android or iPhone.
Step 2: Now, open video on Twitter for which you want to turn On or Enable the caption.
Step 3: Press on “CC” button which is placed in upper right corner of video.
Step 4: After tapping on “CC” button, the video caption will be Enabled or turned ON.
Steps To Turn Off or Disabled Captions On Twitter Videos:
Step 1: Start Twitter app on Android or iPhone.
Step 2: Now, open video on Twitter for which you want to turn Off or disable the caption.
Step 3: Press on “CC” button which is placed in upper right corner of video.
Step 4: After tapping on “CC” button, the video caption will be disabled or turned Off.
If Twitter Caption is not working in your phone this means either twitter caption feature is not rolled in your country or this feature your twitter is not updated on latest version.
After updating twitter still isn’t having caption feature then this is a trial phase and this features released as a trial and for some users. Twitter Caption is in a testing phase.
In this Way You can Turn off twitter caption via your phone Settings
Steps to Turn off twitter caption via phone’s Setting
Step 1: Open your phone settings
Step 2: Click on accessibility
Step 3: Tap on Hearing tab
Step 4: Tap on caption or subtitle
Now, your Twitter caption surely turned off or disabled.
Can Twitter Caption Turn off/on Issue Resolved?
No, “CC” button or Closed Caption twitter feature is in testing phase. Only beta Users have this feature. So, Twitter Caption issue not resolved Permanently. If you have not CC option in your twitter videos then you have to wait till twitters new update on twitter Caption. So if you want to Turn off Twitter Caption then go for Steps to Turn off twitter caption via your phone Settings.
Step 1: Open your phone settings
Step 2: Search for accessibility or click on it.
Step 3: Tap or click on Hearing tab
Step 4: Tap or press on caption or subtitle
Now, your Twitter caption surely turned off or disabled.
Or visit our video and other Article to follow complete procedure: Twitter Captions: Switch Off Or Disable Twitter Captions That Are Generated Automatically