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Apple Watch saves life again, helps detect blood clots in lungs!

Apple Watch saves life again: The Apple Watch has become a valuable health tool for many users, and its ability to detect potential health issues has saved lives numerous times. Recently, the Apple Watch helped detect blood clots in the lungs of a man in Florida, potentially saving his life.

Apple Watch saves life again: Story

The man, named William Monzidelis, had been feeling unwell for several days with symptoms that included shortness of breath and a cough. He decided to take a nap, but when he woke up, he felt even worse. That’s when he noticed that his Apple Watch was telling him that his heart rate was higher than normal, even though he wasn’t doing anything strenuous.

Monzidelis decided to seek medical attention immediately and went to the emergency room at a nearby hospital. There, doctors performed a CT scan and discovered that he had multiple blood clots in his lungs. According to Monzidelis, the doctors told him that he was lucky to have come in when he did, as the blood clots could have been fatal.

The Role of Apple Watch

The Apple Watch has a number of health features that can help users stay on top of their health. One of these features is the ability to detect abnormal heart rates, which can be a sign of a potential health issue. The Apple Watch can also detect falls and can be used to track workouts and physical activity.

In the case of William Monzidelis, the Apple Watch’s heart rate monitoring feature was key in detecting his potential health issue. Because his heart rate was higher than normal, he was able to seek medical attention immediately and get the treatment he needed.

This is not the first time that the Apple Watch has been credited with potentially saving someone’s life. There have been numerous stories of the Apple Watch detecting potential health issues such as heart problems, seizures, and even COVID-19.

The Future of Health Monitoring

As wearable technology continues to advance, it’s likely that health monitoring will become an even bigger part of its functionality. Already, companies like Apple are investing heavily in health features for their devices, and we can expect to see even more innovation in this area in the coming years.

For users like William Monzidelis, the Apple Watch has proven to be a valuable tool for staying on top of their health. With its ability to detect potential health issues and alert users to seek medical attention, the Apple Watch has the potential to save countless lives in the years to come.

Q: What health features does the Apple Watch have?

A: The Apple Watch has a number of health features, including the ability to monitor heart rate, detect falls, and track physical activity. It can also be used to monitor sleep and can provide alerts for irregular heart rhythms.

Q: Can the Apple Watch detect blood clots?

A: The Apple Watch cannot directly detect blood clots. However, it can detect abnormal heart rates, which can be a sign of a potential health issue such as blood clots. This was the case with William Monzidelis, whose Apple Watch alerted him to a higher-than-normal heart rate.

Q: How does the Apple Watch monitor heart rate?

A: The Apple Watch uses a series of sensors on the back of the device to monitor heart rate. The sensors use green LED lights and light-sensitive photodiodes to detect the amount of blood flowing through the wrist, which is used to calculate heart rate.

Q: Can the Apple Watch be used as a replacement for medical advice?

A: No, the Apple Watch is not a substitute for professional medical advice. While it can be a valuable health tool, it is important to always consult with a medical professional if you have any concerns about your health.

Q: Can the Apple Watch save lives?

A: Yes, the Apple Watch has been credited with potentially saving lives numerous times. Its ability to detect potential health issues such as abnormal heart rates and falls can help users seek medical attention before a more serious issue occurs.


The story of William Monzidelis is a powerful reminder of the importance of staying on top of our health and using the tools available to us to detect potential health issues. The Apple Watch has proven to be a valuable health tool for many users, and its ability to detect abnormal heart rates and other potential health issues has saved lives numerous times. As wearable technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovation in the area of health monitoring, and the potential to save lives will only grow.

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