How To

How to Block a Podcast on Spotify

If you find podcast that you no longer wish to see in your recommendations, Sadly, there is currently no direct option to block a podcast on Spotify. You can block artist or use third party App to block a podcast on Spotify.

Spotify, the popular music streaming platform, has become a go-to destination for not only music enthusiasts but also podcast lovers. While Spotify’s algorithms excel at recommending music tailored to your taste, it’s natural to encounter podcasts that may not resonate with your interests. If you find yourself longing for a way to block a podcast on Spotify, this article will guide you through the process and help you regain control over your listening experience.

Understanding the Limitations:

Before we delve into the steps, it’s important to note that, currently, Spotify does not provide a direct option to block a specific podcast. The platform primarily focuses on music recommendations rather than podcast customization. However, we will explore alternative methods to minimize unwanted podcast suggestions and regain control over your Spotify recommendations.

Can You Block a Podcast on Spotify?

Currently, Spotify does not have a direct option to block podcasts. While you can block artists by selecting “Don’t Play This Artist,” a similar feature doesn’t exist for podcasts. Third-party apps claiming to block podcasts exist, but exercise caution when granting them access to your Spotify account.

Managing Podcast Recommendations:

Although blocking podcasts directly is not possible, there are steps you can take to reduce their appearance in your recommendations:

Unfollowing a Podcast:

If you had previously followed a podcast that you no longer wish to see in your recommendations, unfollowing it is a simple yet effective way to reduce its visibility.

  1. Launch the Spotify app on your device and tap on the “Your Library” icon.
  2. Select “Podcasts & Shows” to access your podcast library.
  3. Locate the podcast you want to unfollow and tap on it.
  4. Underneath the podcast’s cover art, you’ll find a “Following” button. Tap on it to unfollow the podcast.
  5. The podcast will no longer appear in your library or influence your recommendations.

Rating Podcasts:

Spotify’s algorithm takes into account user ratings when suggesting content. By giving a low rating to a podcast you dislike, you can signal your preferences and potentially reduce its presence in your recommendations.

  1. Start by playing an episode of the podcast you wish to rate.
  2. Tap the “Three Dots” icon while the episode is playing.
  3. Select “Rate Show” from the options provided.
  4. Give the podcast a low rating, such as one star, to reflect your dissatisfaction.
  5. Tap “Submit” to submit your rating.
  6. The algorithm will consider your feedback when generating future recommendations.

Explore Third-Party Solutions:

While not endorsed by Spotify, there are third-party apps and scripts available that claim to block or hide podcasts on Spotify. Exercise caution when using such tools and thoroughly research their credibility and security before granting them access to your Spotify account.

Understanding Spotify Recommendations:

Spotify’s recommendations are based on various factors, including your listening habits and those of others. Recommendations rely on signals from you, so keep listening to the songs and podcasts you love. However, Spotify may also suggest podcasts to gather more data or in “exploration” mode.

Tips to Make the Algorithm Work for You:

While you can’t completely control recommendations, you can enhance your Spotify experience:

  1. Create a Detailed Profile: If you’re an artist or podcaster, ensure your Spotify profile is comprehensive. Include a bio, social links, upcoming shows, and merchandise to stand out.
  2. Utilize Spotify’s Promotional Tools: As an artist, take advantage of Spotify’s promotional tools, such as Spotify Ad Studio. Create customized ads to promote your releases and events, reaching a targeted audience.
  3. Pre-Save Content: Encourage users to pre-save your content before its release. This action boosts your visibility and signals to the Spotify algorithm that your content is anticipated.

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Q: Can I block a specific podcast on Spotify?

A: Currently, Spotify does not provide a direct option to block a specific podcast. However, there are alternative methods you can use to minimize unwanted podcast suggestions such as unfollowing the podcast and giving it a low rating.

Q: How do I unfollow a podcast on Spotify?

A: To unfollow a podcast on Spotify, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Spotify app and tap on the “Your Library” icon.
  2. Select “Podcasts & Shows” to access your podcast library.
  3. Locate the podcast you want to unfollow and tap on it.
  4. Underneath the podcast’s cover art, you’ll find a “Following” button. Tap on it to unfollow the podcast.
  5. The podcast will no longer appear in your library or influence your recommendations.

Q: Can I rate a podcast on Spotify to affect its recommendations?

A: Yes, you can rate a podcast on Spotify to provide feedback and potentially influence its recommendations. Start by playing an episode of the podcast you want to rate, then tap the “Three Dots” icon while the episode is playing. Select “Rate Show” from the options provided and give the podcast a low rating if you dislike it. Your rating will be considered by Spotify’s algorithm when generating future recommendations.

Q: Are there third-party apps or scripts to block podcasts on Spotify?

A: While there are third-party apps and scripts available that claim to block or hide podcasts on Spotify, it’s important to exercise caution when using them. Research their credibility and security thoroughly before granting them access to your Spotify account.

Q: How does Spotify generate podcast recommendations?

A: Spotify’s recommendations are based on a combination of factors, including your listening habits, user ratings, and the listening habits of others with similar tastes. By analyzing these data points, Spotify’s algorithms generate personalized recommendations. Engaging with content you enjoy and providing feedback through ratings can help refine the recommendations over time.

Q: Will Spotify introduce a feature to block podcasts in the future?

A: While it’s uncertain what future updates may bring, Spotify continually evolves its platform based on user feedback and demands. It’s possible that additional features for customizing podcast recommendations, including blocking options, may be introduced in the future. Stay tuned for any updates from Spotify.


While Spotify doesn’t offer a direct way to block podcasts, you can still manage your recommendations effectively. Unfollowing unwanted podcasts and rating them can help reduce their appearance. By understanding Spotify’s algorithm and leveraging its promotional tools, you can enhance your listening experience and make the most of this incredible music discovery platform. Happy exploring!

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