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LG Made Some Wild Curved OLED Concepts For CES 2022

LG’s display division will debut two Curved OLED Concepts for CES 2022 if the pandemic doesn’t grab the annual trade show as its latest victim. The “Virtual Ride” stationary bike is the first. It has three vertical 55-inch Oled screens in the entrance and above the rider, forming one continuous display screen.

The curvature radius of the topmost panel is 500R. According to LG Display, this is the most extreme curve seen on a large panel to date.


“Media Chair” is the second concept. It’s a chair that’s connected to a 55-inch OLED TV. It has a 1,500R curvature, which LG claims are suitable for this application. It also has the company’s Cinematic Sound OLED technology, which allows the display to create audio without the use of external speakers. Finally, the program may be switched between portrait & panorama configurations by pressing a button on the chair’s armrest.

Chances of LG commercializing both Virtual Ride and Media Chair are remote, as they are with most CES concepts. That isn’t to suggest the company hasn’t brought some of its past designs to market (OLED R comes to mind), but these new ones serve as a showcase of how far LG’s show expertise has progressed lately.

LG Made Some Wild Curved OLED Concepts For CES 2022

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Virtual Ride

Virtual Ride is an indoor stationary bicycle designed to bring home fitness to a new level of immersion. 3 vertical 55-inch OLED panels are connected on top of each other at the front and above, imitating a virtual bike ride.

The top panel is twisted to form a ceiling and has a 500R curvature radius, demonstrating its remarkable flexibility.
According to the press release, “the OLED screens deliver unrivaled lifelike colors with their brilliant visual quality, making you truly feel like you are cycling outside in a forest or down the street of a European village.”

Over the last year, LG has been experimenting with a variety of bendable and flexible screens. In January, the business introduced a rollable display phone, and the concept is still being implemented in numerous locations. On January 4 at CES 2022, more information on these products will be released in greater detail.

LG Made Some Wild Curved OLED Concepts For CES 2022


At CES 2022, LG Display will present two foldable OLED designs, if the pandemic doesn’t grab the yearly trade show as its latest victim. The “Virtual Ride” stationary bike is the 1st. It has 3 vertical 55-inch OLED panels in front as well as above the rider that form 1 continuous display. The curvature radius of the topmost panel is 500R. LG Display claims that this is the most severe curvature among large screens to date.

People May Ask

Q- What exactly is an OLED?

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) is a flat light-emitting device that uses a succession of organic thin strips placed between 2 conductors. A brilliant light is emitted when an electrical current is applied. OLEDs are emissive screens that do not need a backlight, making them smaller and more energy-efficient than LCDs (which do require a white backlight).

Q- Is OLED screens that be both flexible and transparent?

OLEDs can be utilized to make transparent and flexible displays. This is quite interesting because it opens up a lot of possibilities:

  • OLED panels with curves that are mounted on non-flat surfaces
  • Wearable OLEDs
  • Foldable and rollable OLEDs are two types of OLEDs that can be used to make new mobile gadgets.
  • OLEDs integrated in windows or automotive windshields are transparent.

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