Social Media

Threads vs. Twitter: The Battle for the Social Media Throne

Threads vs. Twitter: The battle for dominance in the realm of real-time public conversations intensifies. The dominance of text-based social media platforms has been called into question ever since Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, and the instability has only intensified with his unpopular changes. Meta, the parent company behind Facebook, unveiled their latest challenger, Threads, positioning it as a new space for real-time, public conversations.

While Threads bears similarities to Twitter, it boasts a significant advantage with Meta’s vast user base, making it an attractive contender. However, toppling Twitter’s reign is not a simple task, as Threads faces modern challenges such as data privacy concerns, financial stability, and a fractured market share.

Threads vs. Other Twitter Competitors

Threads differentiates itself from other Twitter alternatives like Mastodon, Hive Social, and Blue Sky through two key advantages: data and scale. Meta’s existing user base of over 3 billion across apps like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp offers a significant head start for Threads. Users can easily import their profiles and settings from Instagram, contributing to the app’s rapid adoption. Notably, high-profile users and brands have embraced Threads, adding to its buzz and generating millions of tweets about the platform.

The User Volume and Twitter’s Challenges

Twitter’s exact user numbers are not publicly disclosed, but during the time of its over-reporting scandal in 2017, it had around 326 million active monthly users. Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s owner, could have launched Threads earlier but failed to acquire Twitter in 2008. Since Musk’s acquisition, Twitter has struggled to become profitable, leading to employee layoffs and erratic policy changes that alienated loyal users. Each policy change sparks conversations about leaving the platform, and advertising spending has plummeted by nearly 60%. Musk’s response to Threads’ launch suggests he finds Instagram superior to Twitter.

The Hurdles Threads Must Overcome

To surpass Twitter, Threads must address modern market challenges that early Twitter didn’t face. Data privacy concerns initially prevented Threads’ launch in the European Union and have raised questions in the United States. Additionally, Meta’s financial stability comes into question, given the industry’s slowdown and Zuckerberg’s substantial investments in the Metaverse. While Threads currently lacks ads, monetization is on the horizon. Furthermore, the crowded market of apps vying to replace Twitter poses a challenge, and Threads aims to appeal to creators and users with a large following by operating in the “fediverse” of apps with similar communication rules.

Can Threads Recreate Twitter’s Role as the Public Square?

Zuckerberg’s focus on making Threads a “friendly place” and differentiating it from Twitter’s shortcomings may be key to its success. However, critics argue that Zuckerberg has previously attempted to replicate features from rival platforms with limited success. The strength of the Meta brand could be both an advantage and a disadvantage for Threads. While Meta’s extensive user base helps with initial adoption, some users, particularly younger generations, may find it off-putting to have relatives, colleagues, and acquaintances easily find them on the platform, potentially inhibiting genuine expression and communication.

Rumours on Threads vs. Twitter:

User InterfaceSimilar to TwitterDistinctive Twitter interface
User BaseRapidly growing, gained 30 million users in less than 24 hoursExact user numbers not disclosed, had around 326 million active monthly users (approx. 2017)
Parent CompanyMeta (formerly Facebook)Twitter Inc.
Importing ProfilesAllows existing Instagram users to import profiles and settingsN/A
FeaturesReal-time, public conversationsReal-time public conversations
Likes and RepliesButtons to like, repost, reply, and quote threads; displays number of likes and replies on each postSimilar functionality with likes and replies
Account PrivacyAccounts can be public or privateAccounts can be public or protected
Monetization StrategyNo ads currently, plans to monetize once reaching 1 billion usersAds and promoted content
Cultural ImpactPotential to create a new platform cultureEstablished cultural impact and recognition
Data PrivacyFaced concerns, initial launch blocked in the EUData privacy concerns have arisen
Financial StabilityMeta’s financial stability questionedTwitter’s profitability challenges
Market CompetitionCompetes with other Twitter alternativesEstablished presence with competitors


Q: What is Threads?

A: Threads is a new app introduced by Meta, the parent company behind Facebook. It is positioned as a space for real-time, public conversations and bears similarities to Twitter in terms of its user interface and functionality.

Q: How is Threads different from other Twitter competitors?

A: Threads has an advantage over other Twitter competitors due to Meta’s extensive user base, which includes over 3 billion users across apps like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Existing Instagram users can easily import their profiles and settings to Threads, contributing to its rapid adoption.

Q: How many users has Threads gained so far?

A: Within the first 24 hours of its launch, Threads gained 30 million users, which is a remarkable figure compared to other competing platforms like Mastodon and Post.

Q: Can Threads replace Twitter?

A: While Threads has gained significant traction and is being hailed by some as a potential “Twitter killer,” it faces challenges in terms of data privacy concerns, financial stability, and the crowded market of apps vying to replace Twitter. Its success will depend on various factors, including user adoption, the development of its culture, and the ability to address these challenges effectively.

Q: What challenges does Threads face?

A: Threads faces challenges related to data privacy concerns, as well as financial stability due to Meta’s recent layoffs and investments in other ventures. The crowded market of Twitter alternatives also poses a challenge, as Threads must compete with other apps to establish itself as the preferred platform.

Q: How does Threads compare to Twitter in terms of user numbers?

A: Twitter’s exact user numbers are not publicly disclosed, but it had approximately 326 million active monthly users around 2017. However, Threads gained 30 million users within the first 24 hours of its launch, indicating a strong initial response.

Q: What is Meta’s stance on Threads?

A: Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Meta, has not publicly commented on Threads. However, he previously referred to its sister app, Instagram, as “weak sauce,” suggesting that he may have high hopes for Threads as a viable alternative to Twitter.

Q: How does Meta plan to monetize Threads?

A: Currently, Threads does not display ads. However, Zuckerberg stated that once the platform is running smoothly and reaches a user base of 1 billion, the switch to monetization will be implemented. The specific monetization strategies are not detailed in the article.

Q: Can Twitter’s function as the public square be replicated by Threads?

A: Meta aims to make Threads a “friendly place” and differentiate it from Twitter’s perceived shortcomings. However, replicating Twitter’s cultural impact and establishing itself as the new public square will depend on multiple factors, including user adoption, engagement, and the ability to create a unique and appealing platform culture.


Threads, the latest app introduced by Meta, aims to replace Twitter as the go-to platform for real-time, public conversations. With its similarities to Twitter and the backing of Meta’s vast user base, Threads has gained substantial traction in a short period. However, it faces challenges such as data privacy concerns, financial stability, and competing apps in the market. Ultimately, the success of Threads will depend on its ability to create a unique culture and appeal to users seeking a fresh social media experience.

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