A Sims 4 Bug Is Aging Toddlers Into Seniors in Minutes

A Sims 4 Bug Is Aging Toddlers Into Seniors in Minutes. Players’ Sims are ageing extremely rapidly due to a problem in Sims 4, skipping birthdays and going from being a child to an elderly person in a matter of minutes.
According to PC Gamer, a recent update that included various new features, such as the option to choose a Sim’s sexual orientation, also included this strange issue.
Only users of the “short” and “long” lifespan settings for their Sims seem to be impacted by the very rapid ageing, while those using the “regular” setting appear to be unaffected.
After 10 minutes of playing, according to Twitter user @windyroses_ (above), “kids are adolescents and young adults are virtually seniors.” Even pets were apparently over-aging and passing away as a result of the age progression, which occurred without the customary birthday reminders.
On the Sims Community page, another gamer discussed their encounter with the problem. “Every Sim in the world (excluding vampires) whether active, household, NPC, cat, or dog, all aged up at the same time” when they first logged in following the update.
A member of the The Sims 4 live operations team, @SimGuruNick, tweeted about the issue after receiving several complaints of the same problem. He said the development team is aware of the problem and is looking into it.
The best thing these gamers can do is to create a new save or stop playing altogether until the problem is resolved because there isn’t really a safe option in the meantime for those playing on the shorter or longer lifetime settings.
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Only users of “short” or “long” lifespan settings seem to be affected by issue. Even pets are apparently over-aging and passing away due to age progression.