
How to Kill Charger in Helldivers 2

How to kill Charger in Helldivers 2 is a question that has been on the minds of many players. This formidable foe, known for its relentless attacks and robust defenses, poses a significant challenge even to seasoned Helldivers. The Charger is not just another enemy; it’s a test of your strategic thinking, teamwork, and in-game skills.

In the thrilling world of Helldivers 2, every mission is a high-stakes battle where victory is never guaranteed. Among the myriad of adversaries you face, the Charger stands out with its unique abilities and aggressive behavior. Its presence on the battlefield can quickly turn the tide of the game, making it a priority target for any squad.

This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to effectively eliminate the Charger. Whether you’re a novice player seeking to improve your gameplay or a veteran looking to refine your tactics, understanding how to kill the Charger in Helldivers 2 is crucial.

In the following sections, we will delve into the Charger’s characteristics, discuss the necessary preparations for the battle, and present effective strategies for defeating this formidable opponent. By the end of this guide, you will be well-prepared to face the Charger and emerge victorious.

Remember, in Helldivers 2, knowledge is as powerful as the most potent weapon. So, let’s embark on this journey to mastering the art of defeating the Charger.

Understanding the Charger

In Helldivers 2, the Charger is a formidable adversary that players encounter upon unlocking Medium difficulty. This enemy is a heavily armored Terminid that can wipe out players in a single hit if not handled with caution. The Charger’s presence on the battlefield is a game-changer, often requiring players to adapt their strategies and tactics on the fly.

The Charger is covered in a tough shell, making it resistant to most attacks. Its body and legs are armored, leaving only its bright orange underside and backside as weak spots. However, targeting these areas can be challenging, especially when the Charger is charging from one teammate to another.

One of the key strategies to defeating the Charger is to create more weak spots by using anti-tank weapons and explosives. These can be aimed at parts of its shell, particularly its legs, to knock off its armor and expose more of its bright orange flesh. Once a large enough spot is exposed, players can focus their attacks on these weak spots to bring the Charger down.

The Charger’s behavior is aggressive and relentless. It charges at players, attempting to take them out with its powerful attacks. This makes it essential for players to maintain distance and use obstacles to their advantage. Working with teammates to bait the Charger can also be an effective strategy, allowing players to target its weaker spots while it’s focusing on another member of the crew.

Understanding the Charger’s characteristics and behavior is the first step towards effectively combating this enemy. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the necessary preparations and strategies for defeating the Charger in Helldivers 2. Stay tuned!

Preparation for the Battle

Before you can effectively combat the Charger in Helldivers 2, it’s crucial to be well-prepared. This preparation involves selecting the right equipment and upgrades, as well as fostering effective team coordination and communication.

The first step in your preparation should be to equip yourself with the most lethal weaponry available. Regular weaponry isn’t terribly effective against Chargers. Therefore, it’s best to head into battle equipped with anti-tank weapons and explosives. These can be aimed at parts of the Charger’s shell, particularly its legs, to knock its armor off and expose more of the bright orange flesh.

Stratagems that deal explosive damage like the Eagle Cluster Bomb are great against Chargers since they have a chance to strip away the Terminid’s defensive armor. If you’re dealing with multiple Chargers, you’ll want to use Stratagems that cover a wide area.

Team coordination and communication are also vital when preparing to battle the Charger. Work with your teammates to bait the Charger. This will let you target its weaker spots while it’s focusing on another member of your crew. If you’re without appropriate weaponry, and they’ve caught sight of you, you and your team would do best to try and bait them to head in specific directions that expose their vulnerable backsides to gunfire.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to defeating the Charger in Helldivers 2. With the right equipment, effective strategies, and strong team coordination, you’ll be well on your way to victory.

Effective Strategies to Defeat the Charger

Defeating the Charger in Helldivers 2 requires a combination of the right equipment, effective strategies, and teamwork. Here are some strategies that can help you take down this formidable foe:

  1. Distance and Obstacles: One of the most basic strategies is to put distance between you and the Charger. This will give you time to set up weapons and Stratagems. Find obstacles to get in its way. Use whatever you can, but it’ll need to be bigger than a deployment crate or a smaller rock. If you run behind a big enough rock while it’s charging at you, you can temporarily stop it.
  2. Teamwork and Baiting: Work with teammates to bait the Charger. This will let you target its weaker spots while it’s focusing on another member of your crew. If you’re without appropriate weaponry, and they’ve caught sight of you, you and your team would do best to try and bait them to head in specific directions that expose their vulnerable backsides to gunfire.
  3. Targeting Weak Spots: Chargers are covered in tough armor, so as soon as you try to hit any part of its shell, you’ll see the defensive symbol appear. This will let you know that your attacks are doing less damage, so you’ll want to change tactics. Its body and legs are all covered with this tough shell, making it hard to find a weak spot. It does have a weak spot, however, which is the bright orange underside and backside. This soft fleshy part can be hit to do significant damage.
  4. Using Anti-Tank Weapons and Explosives: The key to taking down the Charger is to create more weak spots and remove some of this armor. You can do this by using anti-tank weapons and explosives. Aim them at parts of its shell, but particularly its legs, to knock its armor off and expose more of the bright orange flesh. Once you’ve got a large enough spot to target, you can focus on sinking your bullets into these weak spots and it will soon be down.

Remember, every battle is unique, and these strategies may need to be adapted based on the situation. Stay flexible, communicate with your team, and keep practicing. With time and experience, you’ll become a master at defeating the Charger in Helldivers 2.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When battling the Charger in Helldivers 2, players often make a few common mistakes that can lead to their defeat. Here are some of them:

  1. Ignoring the Charger’s Armor: The Charger is covered in tough armor, and hitting any part of its shell will result in less damage. It’s crucial to target its weak spots, particularly the bright orange underside and backside.
  2. Not Using Obstacles: Chargers can be slowed down by obstacles, giving you time to set up weapons and Stratagems. Ignoring this strategy can result in the Charger quickly closing the gap and wiping out players.
  3. Poor Team Coordination: Working with teammates to bait the Charger is an effective strategy. However, poor communication and coordination can lead to missed opportunities and increased risk.
  4. Not Using Anti-Tank Weapons and Explosives: These can create more weak spots and remove some of the Charger’s armor. Not utilizing them can make the battle significantly more challenging.

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly increase your chances of defeating the Charger in Helldivers 2. Remember, every battle is a learning experience. Keep practicing, and you’ll become a master at taking down this formidable foe.


How do you beat Chargers in Helldivers 2?

Chargers in Helldivers 2 can be challenging, but you can defeat them by using distance, obstacles, anti-tank weapons, and explosives to create weak spots in their armor. Focus on these weak spots to take them down effectively.

How do you kill a charger?

In Helldivers 2, killing a charger involves similar strategies mentioned above, utilizing anti-tank weapons and explosives to exploit weak spots created by removing their armor.

How do you kill the charger in Dying Light 2?

In Dying Light 2, you can defeat a charger by using its core attack against it. Push up against a wall, let the charger run at you, then dodge out of the way causing it to stun itself, allowing you to inflict damage.

What do you do in Helldivers 2?

Helldivers 2 is a cooperative third-person shooter where players drop onto planets, complete objectives, and fight alien bugs or advanced robots.

Is Crane dead in Dying Light 2?

While there’s no confirmation, some references in Dying Light 2 suggest that Kyle Crane might be dead.

What is the best ending in Dying Light 2?

The best ending in Dying Light 2 can be achieved by sparing Hakon, giving the VNC Tower to Frank, and saving Mia.

How do you unlock Tanto in Helldivers?

The LAS-12 Tanto in Helldivers is automatically unlocked as part of the Specialist Pack DLC.

How do you get Saber in Helldivers?

The Saber in Helldivers is obtained through Proving Grounds under the specific condition “UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.”

What does Helldivers Dive Harder include?

Helldivers Dive Harder includes a new game mode called Proving Grounds, an improved loadout system, and balancing changes.

Conclusion:How to Kill Charger in Helldivers 2

In Helldivers 2, the Charger is a formidable adversary that requires strategic thinking, teamwork, and the right equipment to defeat. This guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the Charger’s characteristics, effective strategies for combat, and common mistakes to avoid

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