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How To Create LinkedIn Business Page Without Personal Account?

How To Create a LinkedIn Business Page Without a Personal Account- You can design a LinkedIn company page for your company without having a personal profile. To do so, you’ll need all of your company’s information including its logo.

  • To make a company profile on LinkedIn, you must have a personal individual account on the social networking platform.
  • As a result, without a personal profile on the site, it is impossible to build a corporate page.
  • It allows users to interact with people in the business and become members of different communities, allowing them to build a network and obtain information about market demands and trends.
  • To make a company profile on LinkedIn, you must have a personal individual account on the social networking platform.
  • As a result, without a personal profile on the site, it is impossible to build a corporate page.
  • It allows users to interact with people in the business and become members of different communities, helping to build a network and obtain information about market demands and trends.
  • It also gives your company a professional appearance and helps it develop and expand.
  • To start with creating a corporate page using a personal account or page, follow the procedure.

How To Create a LinkedIn Business Page Without a Personal Account?

  • Visit the LinkedIn site. Click the ‘WORK’ icon in the top right corner of the homepage.
  • On display, you will see a new list. Scroll down there will be “CREATE A COMPANY PAGE” is at the bottom of the page.
How To Create LinkedIn Business Page Without Personal Account
  • The following step will ask you to select the type or kind of page you want to make. Small companies, medium to large businesses, display pages, and academic institutions are some of the possibilities available to you.
how to create LinkedIn business profile page
  • Fill in the business name, industry, size, and other data on this page. You’ll also be able to include a logo as well as tagline for your business here.
How to create linkdIn business profile
  • You’ll also have to pick a URL address that interested parties may use to find and search your LinkedIn profile. Choosing a URL will also support the website in identifying between a corporation page and an individual page.
  • Once you’ve completed the form, click the box at the bottom to confirm that you have the authority to create the page.
  • Press the ‘CREATE’ icon on the page after following the steps above. You may now change and personalize your company’s page according to your interests.
  • You will be directed to a new page that will lead you through the completion procedure.
  • Your LinkedIn company profile will be open and registered.

How to get more clients on the company page

To attract more clients to your company page on LinkedIn and create an engaging first post, here are some examples to consider:

Review important events for your community:

Share a post highlighting significant events or milestones relevant to your industry or target audience. For example: “As we reflect on the past year, we are proud to have supported our community through various initiatives. Join us in celebrating our achievements and the positive impact we’ve made together. #communityimpact #milestones”

Collect hashtags:

Compile a list of relevant hashtags related to your industry or niche. Create a post inviting your audience to follow and engage with these hashtags, emphasizing the value they bring. For instance: “Are you passionate about technology? Stay updated with the latest industry trends by following these top hashtags: #TechNews #DigitalTransformation #Innovation”

Invite influencers for sponsored content:

Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to create sponsored content that promotes your company and its offerings. Craft a post introducing the influencer and their expertise while emphasizing the value they bring to your audience. For example: “We’re excited to partner with [Influencer Name], a renowned expert in [Industry]. Together, we aim to bring you valuable insights and expert tips to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of [Industry]. Stay tuned for their exclusive content!”

Schedule carousel posts:

Utilize the carousel feature on LinkedIn to share a series of images or slides showcasing your company’s products, services, or achievements. Craft a post that encourages your audience to swipe through the carousel for a comprehensive view. For instance: “Explore our latest product offerings! Swipe through the carousel to discover the features that make them stand out. Have any questions? Drop them in the comments below!”

Create polls on trending topics:

Engage your audience by creating polls related to trending topics or industry-specific questions. Craft a post inviting your followers to participate and share their opinions. For example: “We want to hear from you! What’s your take on [Trending Topic]? Cast your vote in the poll and share your thoughts in the comments. Your opinion matters to us!”

Remember to tailor these examples to fit your company’s unique brand voice and objectives. Focus on providing value, fostering engagement, and showcasing the benefits of connecting with your company page.


Use these simple steps to make your company’s LinkedIn page & interact with the market to help your company grow and succeed. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is It Possible To Create A LinkedIn Company Page Without Having A Personal Profile?

Yes. You can only make a LinkedIn Company Page if you already have a LinkedIn profile. You may learn more by visiting other Company Pages, in addition to following businesses and organizations who utilize the platform to sell their goods or services.

Is There A Link Between A LinkedIn Business Page And A Personal Account?

It is required for people who aspire to grow their company into a major power. Business owners should think about creating a LinkedIn personal account and a LinkedIn business page. For personal and business purposes, people can create different LinkedIn profiles.

How Do I Make A Linkedin Business Account?

  • To begin, go to the Interests & Companies area on the site.
  • Right next to the Create a Company Page box hit the Create a Company Page button.
  • The Create button is required to create a new page.
  • Please also provide your company’s details and email address.

Why can’t I create a LinkedIn company page?

To be effective, LinkedIn requires a few first-degree contacts. Companies construct LinkedIn corporate pages that require admins to have at least 1 – 2 LinkedIn connections to build.

How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn

Thankfully, setting up a LinkedIn corporate page is easy, and you can do it right now:

  1. On your LinkedIn homepage, tap the “Work” symbol in the top right corner.
  2. Pick “Create a company page” from the menu.
  3. Depending on the size of your company, select either the “Small business” or the “Medium to large business” option.
  4. Type in the Page Identity, Company or Institution, and Profile information.
  5. Then select “Create page.”

All the steps are listed below:

Don’t forget to check the box to confirm that you are authorized to act on behalf of the company:

Remember that you can see an error message if your LinkedIn account is fresh or if you don’t have enough connections.

This means that if you want to establish a company page, you must enhance your profile and broaden your network.

Tap “Start developing your page!” after you’ve finished creating it to add more information.

Is There A Difference Between LinkedIn Accounts For Personal And Business?

LinkedIn Pages feature both organizations and people, whereas profile pages show just individuals. You may make connections with people through your profile. If your LinkedIn Page has followers, they may view it on Instagram. On LinkedIn, page advertisements are the only option to run them.

Is it possible to have two LinkedIn accounts?

A user cannot have more than one LinkedIn profile, according to the LinkedIn End User Agreement. LinkedIn restricts users from creating multiple accounts or LinkedIn profiles by doing so. After being contacted by some other user, LinkedIn has the ability to decide whether your LinkedIn account will be terminated immediately.

What Does It Cost To Set Up A LinkedIn Business Account?

Anyone having the company name and email address may create a LinkedIn Company Page as quickly as feasible. This software is both free and simple to use. LinkedIn has 200 million users as of July 2016.

Is a LinkedIn business account free?

The cost of a business account is $29 per year. The Profile Organizer allows users to download 10 folders, get ten InMails each month, and have 3 accounts per search. Business Plus will set you back $49 per year. You receive 10 InMails each month, 500 profiles every search, and 25 files from the Account Editor with Internet Mail 95.

Is it possible for my company to have a LinkedIn account?

LinkedIn allows users to create corporate pages that serve as informational resources and job posting sites. You’ll need a LinkedIn account as well as a desktop version of the LinkedIn site to publish a corporate page. The name and URL of the firm page will suffice for commercial purposes.

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