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Dangerous Android malware apps discovered on Google Play

Dangerous Android malware apps discovered on Google Play- No Doubt, Apps are very Useful. But Sometimes there is always the possibility that it is harmful. This is something we see on the Google Play store all the time, and another batch of rogue apps was discovered this week. Worse, at the time of writing, these apps were still available on the Google Play Store, so avoid them at all costs.

Malwarebytes Labs analysts revealed a family of dangerous Android apps infected with hidden advertisement malware on Tuesday. All 4 apps are from the Mobile Applications Group developer and have received over 1 million downloads.

According to Nathan Collier of Malwarebytes Labs, this developer has previously transmitted malware on Google Play. He claims that it’s unclear whether Google truly discovered Mobile Applications Group, but he does mention that previous versions of the famous Bluetooth Auto Connect software were clean. This shows that the developer apprehended and published a clean version of the program before eventually infecting it with more malware.

Android malware apps are available in the Google Play store. 

Remove these Android malicious apps as soon as possible.

Here are some of the Dangerous Android malware apps discovered on Google Play-

  1. Bluetooth auto connect
  2. Bluetooth App Sender
  3. Driver: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB
  4. Mobile transfer Smart Switch

Malwarebytes reports that the apps do not demonstrate any malicious behavior within the first 72 hours of being downloaded. These programs begin opening scam sites in Chrome after the self-imposed timeout. Some of the sites are pretty safe, generating cash by having users click on advertisements. Other sites are more harmful, attempting to deceive consumers by claiming that they have been infected or that they need to upgrade their gadgets.

In his blog post, Collier provided additional information regarding how the malware operates:

Even when the mobile device is locked, Chrome tabs are running in the background. Chrome launches with the most recent webpage when the user unlocks their smartphone. A new tab with a new site appears constantly, thus unlocking your device after several hours involves closing multiple tabs. The user’s browser history will also contain a long list of malicious phishing websites.

This is especially troubling because Mobile Apps Group has previously released clean versions of these apps. In other words, they aren’t always harmful, and this appears to be enough for Google Play to keep them there. Again, all four of these apps are freely available on the Google Play store at the time of writing, indicating that the system is broken.

Are there any malicious apps on Google Play?

Android users are being advised to scan their devices for 35 potentially dangerous Google Play Store apps. According to researchers at cybersecurity firm BitDefender, these malicious apps are capable of sending unwanted ads to your Android smartphone, and millions of consumers have already downloaded the applications from the Google Play Store.

Can malware be found in Google Play Store apps?

Several rogue apps on the Google Play Store have been discovered to carry viruses capable of stealing your data. Here’s everything you need to know. A word of caution to the hundreds of millions of Android phone users! Android users are being warned about a list of viruses-infected apps found on the Google Play Store.

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