How to Link Pan Card with Aadhar Card

Your income tax return will not be processed if your Aadhar is not connected to your PAN card, hence doing so has become necessary. How to link Pan card with Aadhar Card? Additionally, you must link your PAN card and Aadhar if you need to conduct a banking transaction worth more than Rs. 50,000.
It is quite easy to link a PAN card to an Aadhar card, and the government has provided several ways to achieve it. The Aadhaar card and PAN linkage deadline has been extended to March 31, 2023.
To link your Aadhar with your PAN card, however, will cost you money right now. If the connecting is completed by June 30, 2022, there will be a fee of Rs. 500. After this date, a fee will be due.
You must pay a cost of Rs. 1,000 for the same after this date. Learn how to link your papers as soon as possible by reading the article below about how to link PAN card and Aadhar online.
If PAN cardholders don’t link their PAN with Aadhaar by June 30, 2022, they would be subject to a twofold fine of Rs. 1,000. PAN card and Aadhaar card linkage costs Rs. 500 until June 30th, 2022.
How to Link Pan Card with Aadhar Card Online through e-Filing Website
The methods listed below can be used to link an individual’s PAN and Aadhaar online:
- Step 1: Go to the Income Tax e-Filing website and select “Link Aadhaar” from the list of quick links.
- Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar and PAN numbers.
- Step 3: Type your name exactly as it appears on your Aadhaar card.
- Step 4: Check the box if your Aadhaar card has the date of your birth.
- Step 5: Check the box next to “I agree to have UIDAI verify my Aadhaar details.”
- Step 6: Select the “Link Aadhaar” button.
- Step 7: After that, input the OTP that was sent to your mobile phone and press “Validate.”
- Step 8: When linking your PAN and Aadhaar successfully, a pop-up notice will display.
How to Link Pan Card with Aadhar Card by Sending an SMS
Follow these procedures to link your Aadhaar to PAN card via SMS:
- First, type a message using the format.
- UIDPAN = 10 Digit PAN + 12 Digit Aadhaar
- Step 2: From your registered cellphone number, send the message in the aforementioned format to either 567678 or 56161.
- You must put UIDPAN 987654321012 ABCDE1234F and send the message to either 567678 or 56161 if your PAN is ABCDE1234F and your Aadhaar number is 987654321012.
Correction Facility for Linking PAN with Aadhaar Card
When all of your information is identical across all of your documents, PAN and Aadhaar card linkage is accomplished. Your PAN won’t be associated with Aadhaar if your name contains problems, such as misspellings.
By going to a nearby Aadhaar Enrolment Center or via the NSDL PAN online, you can make adjustments. If your PAN Card contains problems, you can have them fixed by doing the following:
- Step 1: Using the NSDL website, the user can update his PAN information.
- Step 2: The NSDL link takes you to a page where you may submit an application to have your name corrected.
- Step 3: Submit digitally signed documents to change your PAN information.
- Step 4: When your information has been updated, You can link your PAN with Aadhaar if NSDL acknowledged it via email after receiving your PAN.
Unable to Link PAN with Aadhaar? Here’s What to Do
All persons must connect their PAN cards with Aadhaar cards before the deadline, which is March 31, 2023, since failing to do so will result in the Income Tax Department deactivating your PAN and preventing you from filing income tax returns, among other consequences.
Additionally, confirm that the name on your PAN card and Aadhaar card match. You won’t be able to link your Aadhaar and PAN Cards if there is a spelling error.
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After having your name fixed, you will be able to link your PAN and Aadhaar without much difficulty.
In case your name in the PAN card is wrongly spelt, follow these steps to make corrections:
- Step 1: Go to, the NSDL website for electronic filing.
- Step 2: From the drop-down box, choose “Changes or Correction in Existing PAN Data/Reprint of PAN Card (No Changes in Existing PAN Data)”.
- Step 3: Choose a specific category and provide your information.
- Step 4: After completing Aadhaar e-KYC, make a payment and submit your form online.
- Step 5: Your address will get a delivery of your updated PAN.
- Step 6: You can link your PAN and Aadhaar after receiving your PAN card.
In case your name in the Aadhaar card is wrongly spelt, follow these steps to make corrections:
- Step 1: Visit an Aadhaar Enrolment Center in Step 1
- Step 2: Always have a self-attested copy of your identification with you.
- Step 3: Fill out the Aadhaar Correction Form in Step 3
- Step 4: Submit the form and the supporting documentation.
- Step 5: A receipt including the update request number will be sent to you.
- Step 6: You can use this URN to find out how your update request is progressing.
- Step 7: You can link your PAN with Aadhaar once your update request has been processed and the name has been changed.

Importance of Linking PAN Card with Aadhaar Card
For all PAN card holders, linking PAN with Aadhaar is crucial for the following reasons:
- After March 31, 2023, all PAN cards that are not connected to Aadhaar will be cancelled.
- Multiple PAN cards being issued in the same name is a problem that can be solved by linking PAN and Aadhaar.
- If your PAN is not connected to Aadhaar, your income tax return form won’t be processed.
- The user will receive a summary of the taxes owed to him for future use.
How to Check the Aadhaar Card and PAN Card Linking Status
Follow the instructions listed below to check the status of the PAN-Aadhaar link:
- Step 1: Go to, which is the page for the Income Tax Department’s e-Filing system.
- Step 2: Click on “Link Aadhaar Status” in the “Quick Links” section.
- Step 3: Enter your PAN number in step three.
- Step 4: Enter your Aadhaar number in step four.
- Step 5: Next, select “View Link Aadhaar Status” from the menu.
- Step 6: A screen will show the status of your Aadhaar-PAN link.
Every Indian person has an Aadhaar card, which has a unique 12-digit number assigned by India’s Unique Identification Authority (UIDAI). It serves as an identification number that allows access to the cardholder’s records, including biometrics and contact information, from a government database.
Any person living in India, regardless of age or gender, may sign up to receive an Aadhaar number freely. The application process is free. Once a person enrols, the database permanently stores all of their information. Aadhaar numbers can only be assigned to one person.
You must let the income tax office know if you have a PAN and are eligible for an Aadhaar number or already have one. Linking PAN and Aadhaar will enable you to achieve this.
People May Ask
Q- I do not possess an Aadhaar card. Can I still file my taxes electronically?
A- You can file tax returns, but they won’t be processed until your PAN card and Aadhaar are linked. Your e-return will be processed this year if you link your enrollment number to your PAN, but you will need to link your PAN to your Aadhaar at a later time if you don’t already have one.
Q- Is there another method to connect the two?
A- There are now only two processes. Any one of the steps must link the user’s documents.
Q- Do NRIs need an Aadhaar card to file electronically?
A- NRIs are not required to use their Aadhaar number when submitting their income tax e-returns.
Q- Is setting up an account on the department website required?
A- To submit their e-returns, all taxpayers must first register for an account with the Income Tax Department.
Q- How can I modify the cellphone number associated with my Aadhaar Card?
A- You must change your cellphone number by going to an Aadhaar Enrolment Center in your neighborhood. Alternately, you can change your mobile number online using the website of the Indian Postal Service.
Q- What is the cutoff date for tying your PAN card to your Aadhaar card?
A- PAN Card and Aadhaar Card linkage must be completed by March 31, 2023.
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