How To

How To Do SEO For Website? 10 Steps To Follow

This SEO article will explain how to do SEO for website for increased traffic and introduce you to the basics of search engine optimization.

Did you realize that search accounts for roughly 64% of all organic traffic? Only about 10% of the total comes through social media. You must master search engines in order to establish an effective digital marketing plan.

What is SEO?

To comprehend what SEO entails, you must first comprehend how search engines like as Google, Bing, and others operate.

What factors do they consider while determining their search rankings? Imaginatively, there are a plethora of websites that explore comparable topics.

If not otherwise specified, a search engine such as Google indexes web pages – Consider it a digital version of one of those old yellow phone books.

Search engine bots crawl your website after you develop it to analyze the content it contains and index it appropriately so that it appears in related search results.

Search engine bots can now comprehend contextualized information (text, structure, and non-text content) on your website and index it based on a variety of characteristics, including relevancy and authority.

This is where search engine optimization comes into play. SEO refers to the process of making your site better for search engines. It’s about optimizing websites so that search engines understand relevance value and rank it accordingly on search. 

Now, let’s make one thing clear about SEO: 

Pages, not your entire website, are indexed by search engines. This means that your SEO efforts should be carried out one page at a time.

Why is SEO important?

The preceding section has already given us a sense of how important SEO is? Consider your own search habits to gain a better understanding.

Let’s imagine you go to Google to look for information on a specific subject, such as “best tools for email marketing.”

You can enter it in exactly like that, or you can just type in ’email marketing tools.’ You’ll get a list of results right now.

Which one are you going to choose?

Have you ever gone to the second or third page of results? Probably not, and if so, not very frequently.

This example exemplifies the significance of SEO. Your total search ranking is aided by having your pages optimised for search engines.

Your goal is to appear on the first page (or perhaps within the first few listings) of the search that your consumers are conducting so that you can see a boost in traffic to your website.

How to do SEO for website?

Let’s have a look at 10 crucial SEO for beginners ideas you can implement right now to boost your website.

Do keyword research and use relevant terms 

In SEO, keywords are quite significant. A keyword is a phrase that describes the main topic of your post and allows readers to find it when they conduct an online search for a related topic.

A keyword is the term used to describe what people will type into a search engine while looking for anything.

That’s why you should make absolutely sure your term matches your target audience’s search intent. It might be a simple keyword like ‘digital marketing’ or a long-tail term like ‘how to develop a successful digital advertising campaign.’

Keywords with fewer letters have a higher search volume. As a result, ranking for them may be more difficult. Long-tail keywords have a smaller search volume, but they are more specialized in contrast.

The benefit is that you can focus the correct audience who is interested in it. It’s better to use a combination of long-tail and short-tail keywords.

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It’s also a good idea to think about the keywords search volume and rank difficulty before using it. The search volume reveals how frequently people look at this particular keyword.

People are more interested in this issue if the search volume is higher. On the other hand, the rank difficulty indicates how tough it will be to rank in search engine results.

Keywords are important, but they aren’t the only factor to consider when optimising a website. To increase traffic, you must concentrate on other crucial factors.

Let’s take a closer look at some smart strategies to improve your website.

Place keywords throughout your page

There are different relevant keywords on each page or blog article.That’s most likely the search term that brought you here!

Your selected keywords must preferably be in the:

  • Title of the Post
  • The web URL
  • The post’s first and last paragraphs
  • Throughout the post, organically in the wording
  • Image tags that were utilized

Put them in as long as they don’t disturb the flow of the content. Just watch out for ‘Keyword Stuffing,’ which we’ll go into later in this article.

Include SEO in Permalinks

The URL you see it when you browse a webpage is known as a permalink. Permalinks reveal a lot about your website’s overall structure; they shouldn’t be too long and should properly describe what the page is about. For the benefit of both the reader and the bot crawling your website.

Because permalinks are permanent, it’s critical to choose the appropriate ones for your pages. It’s not a good idea to utilise exact dates or facts that could change in the future.

Why? You should, in theory, maintain upgrading your page throughout time. Having a page which has been online for a long time is beneficial to SEO. You don’t want to develop pages that you’ll never use.

Because older pages have been exposed for a longer period of time, they do not rank. They have a high ranking because they have been able to demonstrate authority over time through generating traffic, link-building, and other methods. It’s critical to be able constantly update your pages with new and relevant content, which necessitates the creation of a timeless URL structure.

Assume you’re writing an essay titled “Top 5 Marketing Tips for 2020.” This is a fantastic subject! However, in your permalink, remove the year 2020. As a result, you’ll be able to amend the post and write about the ‘Top 5 Marketing Tips for 2021’ later.

The same principle applies to pages dedicated to certain holidays, such as Black Friday. It happens once a year, and you’ll want to bookmark this page for future reference.

Hyperlink your existing content

Link to another post you’ve written if the one you’re writing now is related to one you’ve already published. Linking your information to other pages and posts on your website is a fantastic idea.

This will improve the user experience by assisting readers in finding similar information and navigating to other pages on your site, as well as assisting bots in indexing and contextualizing your websites.

 Write high-quality content. No keyword stuffing!

After all obviously, you should create content that will keep readers interested. Make sure you cover everything there is to know about your topic and don’t leave anything out.

It’s critical that you provide your audience with an overview of the desired topic as well as responses that are tailored to their specific needs.

More words may not always imply higher quality, but they can indicate that the issue has been well explored.

According to, there is a link between the number of words in an article and its ranking, and also the complexity of the piece.

Aside from presenting your topic in detail, blogging in a clear, beautiful, and conversational style might help you stand out. Don’t cram your term into every sentence in the hopes of achieving a high keyword density.

Trying to cheat the system by placing as many keywords as they can everywhere, will not work and many actually get penalized for it. 

Search engines are highly intelligent and can recognize keyword stuffing. 

Optimize your images 

Images are quite significant in terms of readability. They aid in the visualisation of your material and its comprehension by readers. They are, nonetheless, vital for SEO because they aid in the crawling of your website. An image cannot be crawled or indexed, but the image ALT-text, or image description, can indeed be crawled and indexed.

Placing your keyword as even the Image ALT-Text ensures that it will be indexed by Google for that precise term.

Have you ever paid attention to the graphics that appear above your search results? They’re also a terrific technique to drive traffic to your site and, as a result, suggest that your site and photos are pertinent to the search term.

Compression of your photos is also essential. Size of the image and format can have a huge impact on website speed, which is important for SEO.

As a result, ensure sure your photos are properly optimized. Using picture compression software is a simple way to do it.

Page speed 

Your page speed is critical for website ranking, and Google has been using it as a ranking factor since 2018. People spend only a few seconds on your website before deciding whether or not to investigate it further.

A website that loads quickly provides an excellent user experience. Because of the limited amount of time people are willing to wait these days, if your page takes too long to load, it will result in a greater bounce rate.

Although website traffic is not a criteria that has a direct impact on your ranking, it is linked to page speed.

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Don’t forget your mobile version! 

Because people are increasingly using their mobile phones to communicate, optimising your website for smart devices is a must.

If you don’t, you’ll have a high bounce rate since, let’s face it, no one wishes to remain on a website that isn’t mobile-friendly.

Incorrect formatting can cause annoyances such as broken buttons or the need to scroll to the side to see the complete page.

People are more likely to stay on your website and explore it if they have a good user experience, which suggests that your page is suitable for the keyword you choose.

In fact, mobile layout is so critical that Google has declared that mobile-first indexing of websites will begin soon.

Technical SEO 

 we have already discussed how to build a strong website structure, which is already a part of technical SEO.

However, technical SEO encompasses more than just permalinks and keyword selection. It’s all about making your website mobile-friendly.

This is an extremely sophisticated and technical topic that goes beyond the scope of an SEO for beginners article. Nonetheless, it is necessary to mention it here.

Work with a technical SEO specialist and your team to figure out what the perfect website structure and design for your target audience should be.

Update your pages and content

You’ll want to run an SEO audit on a frequent basis to keep your content up to date. Particularly since knowledge and trends change so quickly, and you don’t want to be punished for having outdated material in your search results.

Examine older pages and websites, evaluating the content and ensuring that everything is properly optimized.

If your material no longer serves a purpose and is not properly optimized, it will most likely affect your ranking.

You can check your Content SEO with Various SEO Software.

Don’t forget to promote your posts and content

SEO is a never-ending process, but with practice and patience, you’ll graduate from an SEO for beginners guide to a more advanced position.

One of the most effective techniques to increase your search engine ranking is to create relevant pieces on your blog on a regular basis (new material). Once you’ve created fantastic content, advertise it to attract a larger audience.

You may do it naturally by posting them on social media and sending them out in a newsletter. Alternatively, you might use paid advertising (PPC). Both are critical to your marketing plan and must be completed at some point.

You can establish a long-term efficient communication with your customers using an organic strategy. Paid advertising can help you reach the correct audience and drive more visitors to your website.

SEO is essential for increasing traffic to your website and allowing new visitors to learn about your company.


Although SEO can be highly complicated, learning the fundamentals will give you a head start.

Begin by gathering as much information as possible and undertaking extensive study. Write content that is tailored to your target audience, but make sure it is superior to that of your competitors.

Separate your on-page and off-page SEO activities. Ensure that your site loads swiftly on both desktop and mobile devices, and that you are attracting as many backlinks as possible.

Then, to avoid wasting all that fantastic visitors, figure out how to optimize your website for conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q- Is it possible for me to do SEO on my own?

A- You may certainly perform SEO on your own (DIY SEO) (Do It Yourself SEO). Anyone can understand how to do SEO for their business with some research and practice. Enter your URL here to get started with SEO quickly, and then concentrate your efforts on the suggested action items.

Q- Is SEO a monetary investment?

A- SEO is technically free. You aren’t paying to be on the first page of Google. The E-A-T trio (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) are three elements that Google uses to rank content. They’ll give those who are considered as valuable resources to users a high ranking.

Q- Is SEO a challenging task?

A- To summaries, SEO is challenging since search engines are always altering and improving their algorithms. It might be anything from Google modifying the way it looks at a specific sort of link to releasing a significant algorithm change or even recognizing a new ranking element.

Q- Is coding required for SEO?

A- No, SEO doesn’t usually necessitate much (or any) coding. You can do an excellent job of SEO without touching any code.

Q- How long do you think it will take you to learn SEO?

A- If you can devote a couple of hours every day to learning SEO, you’ll be able to master the basics in 4-8 weeks and obtain your first SEO job in 3-6 months. If you dedicate yourself to learning SEO full-time, you can master the fundamentals in as little as 1-2 weeks.

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