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WhatsApp Introduces New Bottom Tab Interface for Users on Android

WhatsApp’s Fresh Look: New Bottom Tab Interface for Android Users. WhatsApp, the popular chat application, is bringing some exciting changes to its Android interface. After months of beta testing, the company has introduced a new bottom-tab design, making it much easier to use with just one hand. This update, long-awaited by many users, is now rolling out to the stable update channel.

If you’re an Android user, you’ve probably noticed that WhatsApp has tabs at the top, which can sometimes be a bit tricky to reach with one hand. But thanks to this new update, the tabs have been relocated to the bottom of the screen for easier access. WhatsApp had already implemented this design for its iOS app, and now Android users get to enjoy the same convenience.

What’s New Bottom Tab Interface?

The new interface brings four main tabs: Chats, Updates, Communities, and Calls. These tabs also come with icons, which were missing in the previous design. Now, you can easily switch between different sections of the app using just one hand. This update is all about making your WhatsApp experience smoother and more user-friendly.

A Small Change Worth Noting

While the bottom tab interface is a great improvement for one-handed use, there’s a slight change you should be aware of. In the older design, you could swipe your finger across the tabs at the top to switch between them. With the new bottom-tab interface, this swipe action has been replaced by a tap. So, instead of swiping, you’ll now tap the tab you want to access. It might take a little getting used to, but it’s a small adjustment for a more accessible interface.

Other Interface Tweaks

WhatsApp has been making a few other subtle changes as well. If you’re using the beta version, you may have already noticed that the iconic green bar at the top of the app on Android has been replaced by an all-white interface in light mode. When you switch to dark mode, the entire app takes on a sleek dark grey appearance, making it easier on the eyes.

The color accents have also been updated in the recent beta release for Android. The green colors are now brighter and more vivid, especially in dark mode. Inside individual chats, the ‘solid’ icons for voice and video calls have been replaced with ‘outline’ icons. Even the camera icon on the main chat list has been given a fresh look.


Q1: What is the new bottom-tab interface in WhatsApp for Android?

A: The new bottom-tab interface is a design change in WhatsApp for Android. It relocates the navigation tabs from the top to the bottom of the screen. This change makes it easier to navigate and use the app with just one hand.

Q2: How can I switch to the new bottom-tab interface in WhatsApp for Android?

A: To switch to the new bottom-tab interface, you need to update your WhatsApp app to version via the Google Play store. Once updated, you should see the bottom tabs in your app.

Q3: Can I still swipe to switch between tabs in the new interface?

A: No, the new bottom-tab interface replaces the swipe action with tapping. You’ll need to tap on the tab you want to access instead of swiping across the tabs.

Q4: What are the benefits of the new WhatsApp interface for Android users?

A: The benefits of the new bottom-tab interface include easier one-handed navigation, improved accessibility with icons added to tabs, and a more user-friendly experience. The design changes aim to make using WhatsApp on Android smoother and more convenient.

Q5: Are there other interface updates in this WhatsApp update for Android?

A: Yes, in addition to the bottom-tab interface, WhatsApp has made some subtle design tweaks and color updates. These include an all-white interface in light mode (replacing the green bar at the top) and more vibrant green colors, especially in dark mode. The update also includes changes to icons for voice and video calls and the camera icon for a fresh and modern look.


WhatsApp’s new bottom-tab interface for Android is a welcome change for users who prefer one-handed navigation. With its easy-to-reach tabs, the app is now more accessible than ever. Additionally, the subtle design tweaks and color updates enhance the overall user experience. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to update your WhatsApp app and enjoy these improvements on your Android device.

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