How To

How to Apply Thermal Paste on CPU

Here is How to Apply Thermal Paste on CPU. Thermal paste is a crucial component in a computer system. It is used to fill the small gaps between the CPU and cooler, ensuring good thermal conductivity and helping to transfer heat away from the CPU. The CPU, being one of the most important and heat-generating components in a computer, requires proper cooling to function optimally and avoid damage.

Thermal paste is applied between the CPU and cooler to enhance the thermal conductivity, making sure the heat generated by the CPU is efficiently transferred to the cooler, where it can be dissipated.

Thermal paste is available in different types and brands, each with its own pros and cons. Choosing the right thermal paste for your system is important, as it can have a significant impact on performance and cooling.

How to Apply Thermal Paste on CPU

Applying thermal paste on a CPU is an important step in ensuring optimal performance and cooling for your computer. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Clean the CPU and cooler surfaces: Use isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth to clean the CPU and cooler surfaces thoroughly. Make sure they are completely dry before moving on to the next step.
  2. Apply the thermal paste: There are different methods to apply thermal paste, but one of the most common is the “pea method”. Place a pea-sized drop of thermal paste in the center of the CPU. If the thermal paste is in a syringe, dispense a pea-sized amount.
  3. Spread the thermal paste: Carefully place the cooler onto the CPU and gently press down until the paste spreads evenly over the surface. Don’t apply too much pressure as this can cause damage.
  4. Mount the cooler: Follow the instructions for your specific cooler to securely mount it onto the CPU.
  5. Test the computer: Once the cooler is mounted, turn on the computer and monitor its temperature to ensure that the thermal paste is working effectively.

Note: Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific CPU and cooler when applying thermal paste. Also, avoid using too much thermal paste as this can cause overheating.

Methods of thermal paste on CPU

There are several methods for applying thermal paste to a CPU, including:

  1. Pea Method: Place a small, pea-sized drop of thermal paste in the center of the CPU and spread it evenly with the cooler.
  2. Spread Method: Spread a thin, even layer of thermal paste over the entire surface of the CPU.
  3. Dot Method: Place small dots of thermal paste on the CPU and spread it evenly with the cooler.
  4. Line Method: Apply a thin line of thermal paste across the center of the CPU and spread it evenly with the cooler.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The pea method is the most commonly used and easiest to apply, while the spread method provides the most even coverage. The dot and line methods can be more difficult to apply, but can provide better performance in some cases. Ultimately, the method you choose will depend on your personal preference and experience. Regardless of the method, it is important to apply just enough thermal paste to provide good thermal conductivity between the CPU and cooler, but not so much that it causes overheating.

Pros and cons of the pea method

The pea method of applying thermal paste to a CPU has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Easy to Apply: The pea method is the easiest method to apply, making it a good choice for those who are new to PC building or those who are not confident in their thermal paste application skills.
  2. Consistent Coverage: The pea method provides a consistent amount of thermal paste, reducing the risk of applying too little or too much.
  3. Good Performance: The pea method is a good choice for most users and provides good performance for most systems.


  1. Can Be Messy: The pea method can be messy if the thermal paste is not placed precisely in the center of the CPU, or if it spreads too much during the application process.
  2. May Not Provide Optimal Performance: The pea method is not the best choice for users who demand the highest levels of performance and cooling, as other methods may provide better performance.
  3. Can Be Difficult to Remove: Removing thermal paste that has been applied using the pea method can be difficult, especially if it has spread too much during the application process.

In short, the pea method is a good choice for most users who want an easy-to-apply and consistent method, but it may not provide the best performance for high-end systems or users who demand the highest levels of cooling and performance.


Thermal paste is an essential component in a computer system, playing a critical role in the transfer of heat away from the CPU. Properly applying thermal paste is important to ensure optimal performance, cooling, and longevity of the CPU.

There are various methods of applying thermal paste, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice will depend on your personal preference and experience. Regardless of the method you choose, it is important to apply just enough thermal paste to provide good thermal conductivity between the CPU and cooler, but not so much that it causes overheating.

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