Pokemon GO: How to Beat Sierra (July 2022)

Pokemon GO: How to Beat Sierra (July 2022)- It will take a lot of skill to defeat Team Go Rocket Leader Sierra in Pokemon Go, so we’ve gathered up the finest counters as well as weakness tips to help you win against opponents like Squirtle, Blaziken, as well as Drapion in July 2022.
Trainers in Pokemon Go can obtain Mysterious Components by taking down Team Go Rocket Grunts at infiltrated Pokestops. Once you’ve got six of them, you can put them together to make a rocket radar, which will point you directly in the direction of the Team Go Rocket Leaders.
Trainers will face a challenging battle when facing Team Go Rocket’s Leaders, as opposed to the Grunts, who can be quickly dispatched.
Trainers will face a challenging battle when facing Team Go Rocket’s Leaders, as opposed to the Grunts, who can be quickly dispatched. Cliff, Arlo, Giovanni, and Sierra are the other three, and each of them has a distinct “mon” that they use in combat.
This guide will concentrate on defeating Sierra, including the greatest countermeasures to her current composition as of July 2022.
Sierra Pokemon Go counters (July 2022)
In Pokemon Go, Sierra has always been a challenging foe to defeat, and this is still true in July.
Sierra always will send out Squirtle first, followed by two of the other six possible Pokemon. Sierra’s current lineup is as follows:
Phase 1: Squirtle
Phase 2: Blastoise, Lapras, and Blaziken
Phase 3: Nidoqueen, Drapion, and Houndoom
On Saturday, July 9, 2022, during Team Go Rocket Battle Weekend competition, Sierra’s lineup was altered. These are the Pokemon she will employ at the moment; we’ll update this page when next event occurs.
How to beat Sierra in Pokemon Go
You’ll need to use a number of different types to combat Sierra in Pokemon Go in order to win. There should be something here to suit every Trainer’s demands because we’ve included a variety of strong Legendaries and more accessible alternatives, all of which are good options.
Let’s examine the vulnerabilities of each Pokemon Sierra can send out during your battle and discuss which counters you should employ to defeat her.
Sierra Pokemon Go counters phase 1
Squirtle counters
Squirtle is a Water-type Pokemon, making it susceptible to Grass and Electric attacks.
Squirtle is effective against moves of the Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water types.
Zekrom | Charge Beam (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move) |
Thundurus | Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Thunder (Charge Move) |
Melmetal | Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Thunderbolt (Charge Move) |
Zarude | Vine Whip (Fast Move) & Power Whip/Energy Ball (Charge Move) |
Roserade | Razor Leaf (Fast Move) & Leaf Storm (Charge Move) |
Trangrowth | Vine Whip (Fast Move) & Power Whip (Charge Move) |
Sierra Pokemon Go phase 2
Blaziken counters
Mewtwo | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psystrike (Charge Move) |
Moltres | Wing Attack (Fast Move) & Sky Attack (Charge Move) |
Kyogre | Waterfall (Fast Move) & Surf (Charge Move) |
Alakazam | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psychic (Charge Move) |
Kingler | Bubble (Fast Move) & Crabhammer (Charge Move) |
Espeon | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psychic (Charge Move) |
Lapras counters
Due to its dual Water/Ice type, Lapras is vulnerable to Electric, Fighting, Grass, as well as Rock-type attacks while being impervious to Ice and Water-type ones.
Sirfetch’d | Counter (Fast Move) & Close Combat (Charge Move) |
Lucario | Counter (Fast Move) & Aura Sphere (Charge Move) |
Zekrom | Charge Beam (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move) |
Raikou | Volt Switch (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move) |
Conkeldurr | Counter (Fast Move) & Dynamic Punch (Charge Move) |
Rampardos | Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Slide (Charge Move) |
Blastoise responds
Since Blastoise is a Water-type Pokemon, it is vulnerable to Grass and Electric attacks.
Many of the same counters that were effective against the Squirtle in Phase 1 will also apply here, but players can also try some different strategies.
Breloom | Bullet Seed (Fast Move) & Seed Bomb (Charge Move) |
Venusaur | Vine Whip (Fast Move) & Petal Blizzard/Frenzy Plant (Charge Move) |
Lefeon | Razor Leaf (Fast Move) & Leaf Blade (Charge Move) |
Raikou | Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Thunder (Charge Move) |
Magnezone | Spark (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move) |
Electivire | Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move) |
Sierra Pokemon Go phase 3
Houndoom counters
Due to its dual Dark/Fire type, Houndoom is vulnerable to Pokemon of the Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water types.
Conkeldurr | Counter (Fast Move) & Dynamic Punch (Charge Move) |
Groudon | Mud Shot (Fast Move) & Earthquake (Charge Move) |
Kyogre | Waterfall (Fast Move) & Hydro Pump (Charge Move) |
Lucario | Counter (Fast Move) & Aura Sphere (Charge Move) |
Machamp | Counter (Fast Move) & Dynamic Punch (Charge Move) |
Rampardos | Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Slide (Charge Move) |
Drapion counters
Due to its dual Poison/Dark type, Drapion is exclusively vulnerable to attacks of the Ground kind.
Trainers may find it difficult to defeat Drapion because of its resistance to attacks of the Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison, and Psychic types.
Due to its dual Dark/Fire type, Houndoom is vulnerable to Pokemon of the Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water types.
Golurk | Mud-Slap (Fast Move) & Earth Power (Charge Move) |
Mamoswine | Mud-Slap (Fast Move) & Bulldoze (Charge Move) |
Excadrill | Mud Shot (Fast Move) & Drill Run (Charge Move) |
Groudon | Mud Shot (Fast Move) & Earthquake (Charge Move) |
Landorus | Mud Shot (Fast Move) & Bulldoze (Charge Move) |
Garchomp | Mud Shot (Fast Move) & Sand Tomb (Charge Move) |
Nidoqueen counters
Due to its dual Ground/Poison type, Nidoqueen is vulnerable to attacks of the Ground, Ice, Psychic, and Water types.
Mewtwo | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psystrike (Charge Move) |
Hoopa | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psychic (Charge Move) |
Excadrill | Mud-Slap (Fast Move) & Earthquake (Charge Move) |
Rhyperior | Mud-Slap (Fast Move) & Earthquake (Charge Move) |
Kyogre | Waterfall (Fast Move) & Surf (Charge Move) |
Espeon | Confusion (Fast Move) & Psychic (Charge Move) |
Best team to defeat Sierra in Pokemon Go
Zekrom, Groudon, and Kyogre are among the most effective Pokemon Go teams for taking down Sierra.
Since Sierra now sends out Squirtle first, you’ll need a strong Electric-type to battle it, such Zekrom. Another effective Blastoise counter is Zekrom. If Sierra picks Blaziken and Nidoqueen instead, a strong Ground-type like Groudon will be able to defeat them.
Last but not least, a powerful Water-type like Kyogre will show resistance to most of Sierra’s team, including Houndoom, Blaziken, and Nidoqueen, so it might end up saving some players in a bind.
Remember that Team Go Rocket Leader Sierra is a challenging opponent for nearly any trainer, but if you use the counters we’ve given above to capitalise on each Pokemon’s vulnerabilities, you should be able to beat her eventually.
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How to beat Team Leaders in Pokemon Go
You’ll need to face off against the other Team Go Rocket Leaders in addition to Sierra, so read our instructions to beat Arlo, beat Cliff, and ultimately defeat Giovanni.
There you have it, then. Everything you require to defeat Leader Sierra in Pokemon Go in July 2022, including the most effective counters.