
Fast | Easy: How to Transfer Files from C Drive to D Drive

As a matter of fact, many users have encountered this dilemma: the C drive is full, while the D drive still has a lot of space. Usually, you can consider this method:

  • Move files from C drive to D drive.

This is the easiest way to free up space on C drive, as long as there is still extra space on D drive.
Here we will mainly introduce how to transfer files from C drive to D drive, and you can surely use the most convenient method – using free sync software AOMEI Backupper Standard. Next we’ll start by looking at what files we can transfer.

Which Files are Transferable from the C Drive to the D Drive?

Given that the C drive encompasses the operating system, system files, and various applications along with their associated files, it is important to exercise caution when deleting files directly unless you are certain about which files in the C drive can be safely removed.

Your initial inclination might be to relocate all the subfolders within the “User” folder, such as Documents, Desktop, Downloads, Favorites, OneDrive, Pictures, Music, and more, excluding the “Users” folder. However, it is essential to note that the “Users” folder contains significant information and documents, and moving it may lead to conflicts.

Moreover, it is worth noting that new programs are typically installed in the default location on the C: drive. If you encounter insufficient space even after transferring all the user folders, you could consider altering the installation location for new programs to the D: drive.

Nevertheless, certain files cannot be moved, including the Windows folder, Program Files, and Program Files (x86). The Windows folder houses vital system files necessary for computer startup, making it unfeasible to relocate. The latter two folders serve as installation directories for programs, and moving them may result in program malfunction or unresponsiveness. Moreover, some programs exclusively function when installed on the root drive of the hard drive.

Best Free Files Sync Software for Windows 11/10/8/7

AOMEI Backupper Standard, the finest free file synchronization software designed for Windows 11/10/8/7, offers an array of powerful features.

☎ With its Basic Sync functionality, you can effortlessly synchronize folders between different drives. For instance, you can sync files from the C drive to the D drive, or seamlessly transfer data from one folder to another, be it from an internal disk to an external disk, from one PC to another, and more.

☎with its automatic sync feature allows you to enable automatic synchronization, ensuring that your files are continuously safeguarded. This feature proves especially valuable for long-term data protection, granting you peace of mind. Should your files become damaged, infected, or inadvertently deleted, you can conveniently restore them with ease.

To commence the process of transferring files from the C drive to the D drive, it is necessary to download and install this software. Alternatively, for server users, we recommend exploring the capabilities of AOMEI Backupper Server.

How to Transfer Files from C Drive to D Drive with the Best Sync Software

In the subsequent instructions, you will be guided on the process of transferring files from the C drive to the D drive.

Step 1. Once you have successfully installed AOMEI Backupper Standard, open the application. Next, navigate to the Sync option and select Basic Sync from the available choices.

Transfer Files

Step 2. To access files and folders from the C drive, click on the Add Folder button. This will allow you to browse and select the desired files and folders.

Step 3. Click on the second box labeled This PC and choose the D drive as the destination path for the files. Once you have made the selection, click on the Start Sync button to initiate the process of moving the files from the C drive to the D drive.

❤ Tip: If you prefer not to transfer all files, you can utilize the Filter Settings option (available in AOMEI Backupper Professional) to exclude or include specific file types from the selected folders. This feature allows you to customize the file transfer process according to your preferences.


With this method, you can effortlessly transfer files from the C drive to the D drive without the need for a tedious uninstallation and reinstallation process. However, AOMEI Backupper offers even more functionalities to cater to your needs. For instance, you can utilize it to transfer files from an SSD to an HDD, synchronize folders between different computers or different Windows such as transfer data from Windows 8.1 to Windows 11, and much more.

In fact, this best cloning software also provides support for cloning your system, disks, partitions, and files, offering flexible clone options. As an old freeware program, there must be a reason why it is trusted. Why don’t you try it now?

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