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How to fix Windows 11 widgets

How to fix Windows 11 widgets- Windows 11, the latest version of the popular operating system developed by Microsoft, has many new and improved features, including a range of widgets that can be customized to display information on the desktop. However, sometimes, users may experience issues with these widgets, such as slow performance, error messages, or compatibility problems.

If you are encountering problems with Windows 11 widgets, this article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to resolve the issue and get your widgets up and running smoothly again. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these step-by-step instructions will help you get your Windows 11 widgets back on track.

How to fix Windows 11 widgets

As Windows 11 has not been officially announced or released by Microsoft, it’s not possible to provide specific steps for fixing its widgets. However, if you are experiencing issues with widgets on a current version of Windows, you can try the following steps:

  1. Restart the computer: This can often resolve temporary software issues and improve performance.
  2. Check for updates: Make sure that your operating system and all installed software are up to date.
  3. Disable and re-enable the widget: Try disabling and re-enabling the widget to see if this resolves the issue.
  4. Remove and reinstall the widget: If the widget continues to cause problems, try uninstalling it and reinstalling the latest version.
  5. Run a system scan: Use the built-in Windows security software to scan your system for malware or viruses that may be causing the issue.

If you continue to experience issues with the widget, you can also seek support from the widget developer or a professional technician. Keep in mind that this information is based on current versions of Windows, and the steps may vary for Windows 11 if it is eventually released by Microsoft.

Causes of issues with Windows 11 widgets

The causes of issues with Windows 11 widgets can vary and may include the following:

  1. Outdated software: If your operating system or the widget software is outdated, it may cause compatibility issues that result in errors or slow performance.
  2. Malware or viruses: If your computer is infected with malware or a virus, it can cause problems with the performance and stability of the widgets.
  3. Conflict with other software: If the widget software is conflicting with another software on your system, it can cause issues with the widgets.
  4. Incorrect configuration: If the widget’s settings are not configured correctly, it can cause issues such as error messages or slow performance.
  5. Hardware issues: If there is a problem with the hardware of your computer, it can cause issues with the performance and stability of the widgets.

It’s important to regularly update your operating system and installed software, and to scan your system for malware or viruses to prevent and resolve issues with Windows 11 widgets. Additionally, if you continue to experience problems, you can seek support from the widget developer or a professional technician.


Windows 11 widgets can be a great way to customize and display information on your desktop, but sometimes, issues may arise that cause problems with their performance and stability. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve most common issues and get your Windows 11 widgets working properly again.

From updating your operating system and software, to disabling and re-enabling the widget, or removing and reinstalling it, these simple steps can help you get your widgets back up and running. If you continue to experience problems, seek support from the widget developer or a professional technician.

By staying proactive and keeping your software and hardware up to date, you can avoid most issues with Windows 11 widgets and enjoy all the benefits of this powerful operating system.

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